
Information 2021-12-06T18:06:53+00:00

Ad Hoc and Potter Valley Project Information

Ad Hoc Work Products

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Fish Passage Profiles Evaluation Final Report (12/20/19):
• Executive Summary
• Full Report
• Download Appendices (35.2MB)

Modeling Subgroup – Final Compiled Report (2/2020)

Potential Considerations for Potter Valley Project Future

Refer to Two-Basin Partnership Website – 

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SCWA Preliminary Analysis of Alternatives (August 2018):

  • SCWA cover letter – view
  • Potter Valley Project Capital Modifications Feasibility Report, McMillen Jacobs Associates – view
  • Supplemental memorandum – Evaluation of Sediment Stabilization Measures, Enviro Analytics Group – view


Studies and Information for key topics under discussion at the Ad Hoc

Fish Passage and Populations

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Planning pacific salmon and steelhead reintroductions aimed at long-term viability and recovery. Anderson et al. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2014) – view

Staff paper: Review of fish passage technologies at high head dams. Northwest Power and Conservation Council. (Dec. 2016). Document number 2016-14 – view

USFS and BLM: Watershed Analysis Report for the Upper Main Eel River Watershed (1995) – view

USFS and BLM: Watershed Analysis Plates for the Upper Main Eel River Watershed (1995) – view

Goodman DH, Reid SB. Climbing above the competition: Innovative approaches and recommendations for improving Pacific Lamprey passage at fishways. Ecological Engineering. 2017 Oct 1;107:224-32 – view

Goodman DH, Reid SB, Som NA, Poytress WR. The punctuated seaward migration of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus): environmental cues and implications for streamflow management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2015 Oct 20;72(12):1817-28 – view

Goodman, D.H. and S.B. Reid. 2015. Regional Implementation Plan for Measures to Conserve Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus), California – North Coast Regional Management Unit. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office, Arcata Fisheries Technical Report Number TR 2015-21, Arcata, California. – view

Goodman, D.H. Upstream and Downstream Pacific Lamprey Migration Timing. Memorandum to the PVP Fish Working Group. July 2018. – view

Reid, S.B. & Goodman, D.H. 2016. Free-swimming speeds and behavior in adult Pacific Lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus. Environ Biol Fish. 99: 969. – view

Anderson, J.H., G.R. Pess, R.W. Carmichael, M.J. Ford, T.D. Cooney, C.M. Baldwin, & M.M. McClure.  2014. Planning Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Reintroductions Aimed at Long-Term Viability and Recovery.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34: 72-93. – view

Cluer and Thorne 2013.  A Stream Evolution Model Integrating Habitat and Ecosystem Benefits.  River Research and Applications 30: 135-154 – view

Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan: Steelhead Profile – view

Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan: Chinook Profile – view

Cooper, E.J.  2017. An Estimation of Potential Salmonid Habitat Capacity in the Upper Mainstem Eel River, California.  MS Thesis. Humboldt State University. May 2017. – view

Corline J. , Sommer T., Jeffres C. & Katz J. 2016.  Zooplankton ecology and trophic resources for rearing native fish on an agricultural floodplain in the Yolo Bypass California, USAManagement ISSN 0923-4861 Wetlands Ecol Management – view

Gregory, S; Swanson, F; et al. 1991.  An Ecosystem Perspective of Riparian Zones Bioscience; 41, 8 – view

Hauer et al  2016. Gravel bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus for glaciated mountain landscapes. Science Advances  24 Jun 2016: Vol. 2, no. 6, e1600026 – view

McClure, M., J. Anderson, G. Pess, T. Cooney, R. Carmichael, C. Baldwin, J. Hesse, L. Weitkamp, D. Holzer, M. Sheer, and S. Lindley. 2018. Anadromous Salmonid Reintroductions: General Planning Principles for Long-Term Viability and Recovery. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-141. April 2018. – view

Nielsen, J., T. Lisle, and V. Ozaki. 1994. Thermally Stratified Pools and Their Use by Steelhead in Northern California Streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 123: 613-626. – view

NMFS Recovery Plan – view

Steiner Environmental Consulting.  1998. Potter Valley Project Monitoring Program (FERC No. 77, Article 39), Effects of Operations on Upper Eel River Anadromous Salmonids.  Final Report. Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Ramon, CA. March 1998. – need link

VTN Oregon, Inc.  1982. Potter Valley Project (FERC No. 77) Fisheries Study.  Final Report. Volumes I & II. Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Ramon, CA.  December 1982. – view

Yoshiyama & Moyle. 2010. Historical review of Eel River anadromous salmonids, with emphasis on chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead – view

Lusardi, R.A. and P.B. Moyle.  2017. Two-Way Trap and Haul as a Conservation Strategy for Anadromous Salmonids.  Fisheries 42: 478-487. – view

Mead & Hunt. 2018. Scott Dam Fish Ladder Feasibility Evaluation Executive Summary. [note that this document is marked “Confidential.” It is being distributed exclusively for reference by the Fish Passage Working Group in meeting the group’s stated objectives. It is not intended for further distribution or use for other purposes.] – view

Northwest Power and Conservation Council. 2016. Staff Paper: Review of Fish Passage Technologies at High-Head Dams. Final. Document Number 2016-14. December 2016. – view

PG&E and Cardno. 2018. Collect-and-Transport Option for Fish Passage at Scott Dam: an informational document for Potter Valley Project Ad Hoc Committee Fish Passage Working Group. – view

NOAA Fisheries. 2016. Reintroducing Fish Upstream of Rim Dams: Providing Passage to Advance Salmon Recovery in California’s Central Valley – Frequently Asked Questions. – view

McBain Associates. 2019. Tour Overview of Cowlitz River and Clackamas River Fish Passage Facilities. – View Presentation | Sorting Fish Video

Ihara, Daniel M, Pd.D. and M.R. Marshall. Economic Benefits to Mendocino and Lake Counties from Removing the Dams on the Eel River. – view

Whitelaw, Ed and Macmullan, Ed; A Framework for Estimating the Costs and Benefits of Dam Removal: Sound cost–benefit analyses of removing dams account for subsidies and externalities, for both the short and long run, and place the estimated costs and benefits in the appropriate economic context, BioScience, Volume 52, Issue 8, 1 August 2002, Pages 724–730. – view

Water Beneficial Uses

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Sonoma County Water Agency. Lake Mendocino Water Supply Reliability Evaluation Report. April 2013. – view

Sonoma County Water Agency. Russian River Hydrologic Modeling for the Fish Habitat Flows and Water Rights Project. August 2016. – view

Chapter 3 – Draft EIR Fish Flow Project Background and Project – view

Sandoval-Solis, Samuel & Tomás, Pablo. (2015). Coyote Valley Dam Reliability Storage Study. – view

Economic Forensics and Analytics, Inc. The Economic Impacts of Water and Agricultural Industries: Inland Mendocino County – view

University of California, Davis. Russian River Integrated Water Management: Preliminary Results for Raising Coyote Valley Dam. October 2015. – view

Eel and Russian River Flows

Department of Water Resources. 1976. Bulletin No. 105-5: Eel-Russian Rivers Streamflow Augmentation Studies. February 1976. – view

Lake Pillsbury Recreation

FERC Relicensing Process

Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2017. Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 77, Relicensing Pre-Application Document (PAD). Volume 1: Public Information Sections 1-7, & Volume 2: Public Information Appendices A-G. April 2017. – view

Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  2018. Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 77, Revised Study Plan.  January 2018. – view

Power Production

Dam Safety and Liability